Oksana is a theatre and storytelling trainer based in Amsterdam. Through her work she inspires the participants of her workshops to embrace their unique voices, unlock their full artistic potential, and step into the spotlight with confidence and authenticity. She designs and manages educational programs, as well as facilitates workshops for youth and adults. She has educational background in theatre, pedagogy and law. She worked in different countries of Central and South America, Europe and Asia and brings together traditions of various continents into her workshops.
She uses theatre and storytelling to help individuals build confidence and make their dreams a relaity. Stage is a great space to explore who we are and who we could be. While engaging the senses, bodies and minds she will guide you on the journey to feel, experience, wander and come back empowered to share your story, your calling and whatever else is longing to be shared with the world. She believes that when we are connected to our inner fire, when we know our calling, with that knowing we can better manifest what is alive in us in our daily lives, careers and other journeys.
oksanaworkshops.comSALTO Trainers for Youth Profile